Monday, December 14, 2009

Things I have learned so far.

I've only been in Alaska a few days but I have already learned some important lessons.

1. Waterproof boots are a must. Tennis shoes just don't work, no matter how comfy they are.

2. Three layers on top and bottom will keep me warm while I am outside for only a few hours.

3. Gloves just don't work very well. I need some mittens. Soon!

4. Driving in the snow and ice is not so bad. Getting out of my car and putting gas in it is miserable.

5. -2 degrees F is significantly warmer than -13 degrees F.

6. I think the snow bib I bought might be the best piece of clothing I have ever purchased.

7. Remote start is the best thing that has ever been invented.

8. Wipe the snow off the door and the roof to prevent the snow from melting on my seat and giving me a
wet butt.

9. Four hours a day is just not enough sunshine for me.

10. Instead of shrubs in people's yards, some have ice sculptures. They don't melt.

11. I constantly have hat hair and I am not the only one.

I am sure as the days turn into weeks I will learn more. This is a crazy and interesting place to live. I can't wait to experience more of it.

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